Friday, September 7, 2007

Weston House Warming

Hi everybody, you are cordially invited to Mr & Mrs Gan open house cum house warming.

Date : 16th Sept 2007 (Sunday) Sumua cuti ne ari ane & sumua dijangka akan datang...
(Tauke ikan pun rehat la ba sehari)

Venue : Kampung Weston

Time : 7 am - 9pm

Programme :
Playing cards (21, ang tia, cangkul, etc)
Lion dance show (Siapa inda datang rugi tah)
Open bar and momom

Bah sekalian sumua, please confirm your attendance as we need to count head for our food catering confirmation.

You can confirm at 013-8649288 & 013-8642401 (Tuan Rumah) or anak-anaknya @ 016-8109788, 013-8665019, 013-8689238

Thank you and hope to see you there

Mr & Mrs Gan

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