Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Jalan Sulaman, Mc D
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Sebelum main, dipanas-panaskan dulu badan, lipat-lipat kaki, renggang-renggang otot, supaya laju la kunun belusir karang, hehehe... teori ato... baik kalau banar...

Geng Gan sebelum ketibaan pemain import...

Geng Teo sebelum ketibaan pemain import...

Maka permainan bermula macam biasa tanpa tiupan wisel, dan gol pertama dijaringkan oleh pasukan Gan... (dan kedua, dan ketiga...)
Panat jua eh permainan ane, lusir-punya-lusir, keluar segala batuk dan ampus sampai KKBB surrender ne selepas 20 minit... cilaka banar...

Ane bergambar-gambar semasa salah satu daripada banyak time out...

Bah geng Gan menang 19 berbalas 4.........

Dan Geng Teo tetap sebagai pemenang temnpat KeDua..... hahaha

Ok juga bah tutup kemaluan...
Monday, February 11, 2008
Nostalgia Rumah Lama Menumbok

Ane gambar yang diambil masa on the way pegi rumah Thaikong dan Thaima.... ada suda jambatan beratap.... dulu indada pulang.... macam resort B.K.T bilang.... ada banyak gu sai lagi.... masih macam dulu aroma ato....
Ane pandangan tepi rumah ato.... boleh nampak pintu depan.... patah-mematah kayu-kayu dan atap ato..... sampai mumut.....
Tempat Brandon berdiri ato tah pagar rumah.... inda nampak suda.... habis kena tutup daun-daun dan rumput.... ane kunun kunun nya Brandon cuba masuk rumah ato..... tapi inda dapat buka pasal banyak daun berpaut.....
Pandangan belakang rumah ato...... kalau diliat banyak bah segala daun dan rumput panjang..... macam haunted house nya si nigel........
Ane shot yang diambil bersama Nigel dan Brandon di dalamnya..... mereka dalam gambar ane pasal inda pernah ampit kan masuk rumah ato..... jadi dari luaran saja..... Nigel ato kotak bakas bunga api dan happy boom inda mau lepas bah...... macam emas......
Sekian ane saja
You are True Sabahan when...
1) You drive at right lane of the road, with a speed of only 50 KM/H. If people horn behind you, you still don't know what's wrong.
2) You have the luxury of working from 8 AM to 5 PM (get off work punctually).
3) You don't believe that there is any "clean" politician in
4) You feel "obligated" to reach the top of
5) You prefer a big car than a big house (probably you can't drive a big house around to show off).
6) You wear slipper and short wherever you go, even in city.
7) You still think that Labuan belongs to
8) You will not go to any FREE seminar / function that has no food or refreshment.
9) You don't care about service. You just want things cheap, cheap, cheap.
10) You know where to get your candles and torch light quickly in the total darkness (due to training by frequent blackout).
11) You know what "aramaitiee" means...
12) You shout "referee bodoh" and at the same time throw mineral water bottles on the pitch during a football match at Likas Stadium..
13) Your Timorese maid ran away with her lover, taking your money or jewellery along..
14) You doubt someone's mykad wether it is real or fake..
15) Your favourite assemblyman whom you vote and supported all this while...gambled away and lost a whopping 60 million ringgit in a London casino..
16) You go inside a karaoke at 12 pm and realise that the place is still open at 5 am...
17) You come across a supposedly local person but with a very foreign accent..
18) You cannot vote in an election because someone has voted on behalf of you...
19) You own a bakakuk
tambah.... you are a Sabahan if u say and understand these words....
1. tuuuna/ saaaana - points with the lips - (there-- at a distance)(the longer the 'tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuna /
saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana' the further the place is.)
2. limpas (to pass/walk by - Maaf, saya > limpas dulu? Excuse me, can I passby?
3. palui (stupid, duh! )
4. tapuk (to hide )
5. bida (ugly)
6. bubut (as in proper malay- "kejar", to chase)
8. andang-andang (that's how it is)
9. sapak (kasi campur/gaul --utk masakan-to mix as in cooking)
10. inda/tia (short form of "tidak" - not, no)
11. wicin (another brand of msg as in "aji-no-moto" - a seasoning or food enhancer)
12. talampau (proper malay - "terlampau"- too much)
13. takajut (proper malay - "terkejut" - shocked, startled)
14. siorang (proper malay -"kami"/ "saya-orang" - us, we)
15. ngam-ngam (proper malay "kebetulan" - exact, at that time)
16. mangkali (proper malay "barangkali" - maybe, perhaps)
17. kamarin (proper malay "kelmarin" - yesterday)
18. kanapa (proper malay "kenapa" - why)
19. gia (__expression - "is it?")
20. bah (__expression - "ok!")
21. ah? (question, "Apa?" What?)
22. kici/kicil (proper malay "kecil" - small)
23. basar (proper malay "besar" - big, huge)
24. siok (__expression/description, proper malay "seronok" - enjoyable, great, etc-)
25. urang ("orang" - people; sometimes used "diurang" - them, they)
26. karing ("kering" - dry)
27. umban ("humban, lempar" - throw)
28. kana ("kena"- got ie--"kena umban" --got thrown)
29. padih ("pedih" - as in "Mata saya padih/pedih!" - My eyes stings, painful)
30. numbur ("nombor" - number)
31. gali ("geli" as in squeemish about something, or "gali"-gali lubang - as in Dig a hole.)
32. dorang ("dia orang/diurang" - them, they - Dorang pigi tamu. They went to the market.)
33. panat ("penat" - tired)
34. katawa ("ketawa" - laugh, laughing)
35. lanjang (a.k.a. "periuk /belanga " - pots/pans)
36. putung ("potong" - cut, slice)
37. Buduh ("bodoh" - stupid)
38. tongo/bongo ("stupido" - same as above )
39. kabaru-baruan ("kebaru-baruan"- new to something)
40. giuk (proper malay "ulat"- worm)
41. Sikui (Tembikai - watermelon)
42. Santut (Underwear)
43. celana/salana (Seluar)
44. gipit (to grip...)
45. kanapatan/kadapatan (caught red handed.. or as the malays in kl say..'kantoi')
46. kebangkalan (choked while eating..proper malay = 'tersedak')
47. ketulahan (bad karma)
48. bahai (plastic bag)
49. uinnaaa! (used to express various feelings, mostly when surprised..)
50. ging (derived from the word gang.. means kawan/member)
51. Tontolou = Uncle Johnny
52. Pantat = Butt<---tp di semenanjung,lain tuh >
53. Cula = Coke or
54 Torrrrrbaik = The
55. Bikin panas = feeling angry...HHAH - HOt kununlah..True to my roots.. I have one to contribute
56. Tambirang = Don't lie.. (eg. Jangan kau tembirang)
57. Sabak ---- means baru ko tau... in english = I TOLD U...
58. Kotoh ---- Means as same like Sabak..
59. Lakas = Lekas/Cepat (Faster)
> 60. Bobot = Vagina
> 61. Balabak = Scrotum
> 62. Kalatiak = Ketiak (Armpit)
> 63. Duiiii dogo! = My goodness!! / Oh my!!
> 64. Seluar Katak - underwear
> 65. siring siring - side / on the side
> 66. taapun - a phrase used when unable to get the things desired
> 67. palis palis - touch wood
> 68 tachut - our version of touch wood
> 69. gostan - reverse
> 70. gohed - forward
> 71. ayuk - swinging movement of the arm in the marble game. Can also mean to masturbate
> 72. taiih - shit / feaces / or just a curse word
> 73. kogutan - hangover
> 74. Sepuluh Tiga (10-3) - RM10 for three cans of beer (well in those days lah)
> 75. muhau - crazy
> 76. takana - hit (BM is terkena)
> 77. tekuis - same like like takana
> 78. kapayas / tapayas - papaya
> 79. api api -
> 80 (sia) bilang - said
> 81. skijap - soon / in a short while / later
> 82. tinguk - (tengok) to look
> 83. hari satu - monday
> 84. hari dua - tuesday
> 85. hari tiga - wednesday
> 86. hari ampat - thursday
> 87. hari
> 88. hari anam - saturday
> 89. SOT - crazy (like me)
> 90. thai lingong - worse than buduh
> 91. karan - electricity
> 92. butul - in BM 'betul'
> 93. dari kau ja. - up to you to decide
Guru Bimbingan & Penolong Asrama Budi...
Hehe... Ane pertama kali ne kakak Sia masuk blog... Nama Gelaran "Guru Bimbingan & Penolong Asrama Budi"... Ane famous ne... banyak budinya yang baik-baik belaka.. Haha.. Nasib baik Kayla tau menggambar dalam sehari.. Haha.. Say Cheeeeezeeee.....!!!!
Lampu Ber-"Thong"... Pervert!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Yuu Sahng
Salon Spy
The Spy: Ah Ma
The Beautician: Che Che Mimi
Service: elianto Brown + Yellow Gold Eyeshadow , Maybelline NY water shine Gloss and Avon Deep Pink True Color Powder Blush.
Price: inda tau eh..ang pao mangkali..
datang la ke Asrama Budi..sementara stok masih ada
(akibat kekeringan, idea diambil dari CLEO) =)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Dui.... ano biasa...
Setmealnya kalau ano seorang biasanya dapat satu nasi, satu babi dan satu sayur...

Ane extra saja kalau mau, talur guring sasau...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sunday, February 3, 2008
Chinese New Year / Gong Xi Fa Cai
Tuan yuan kita di lorong mawas, weston dan menumbok...... LAU SANG SEMUA !!!!
Kalau sepa yang inda LAU inda ong time judi.......
Tempat untuk Mencuci Mulut
tali kecapi..